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Understanding the Legality Behind Tip Pooling

Tip pooling, a common practice in the hospitality industry, involves collecting tips from employees such as waiters, bartenders, and bussers and redistributing them among eligible staff. This practice is not limited to employees within restaurants; it may also apply to those in grocery stores, bars, hotels, or other hospitality-related businesses. While it may seem straightforward, tip pooling regulations can be complex and vary depending on federal and state laws. Understanding the legality behind tip pooling is essential for both employees and employers to ensure compliance with wage laws and to prevent potential disputes. Knowing who can participate in a tip pool,...

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How a Medical Lien or Hospital Lien Could Impact Your Personal Injury Claim

In the aftermath of an accident, dealing with medical bills and insurance claims can be overwhelming. However, what many people do not realize is that there is another factor that can greatly impact their personal injury claim: medical and hospital liens. These are legal claims placed on a person's settlement or judgment to ensure that medical providers are paid for the services they have provided. While liens are meant to protect medical providers, they can also have a significant impact on the amount of compensation a person receives for their personal injury claim. At Hodges & Foty, LLP, our board-certified personal...

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What Nurses Should Know About Their Workplace Rights

In the demanding world of healthcare, nurses often work tirelessly through meal breaks and other various workplace violations. Understanding your rights as an employee is crucial in these scenarios, as they not only affect your well-being but also raise important questions about fair compensation and working conditions. If you are a nurse who routinely experiences workplace issues, knowing your rights is essential to ensure you are treated fairly and compensated appropriately. At Hodges & Foty, LLP, we help nurses navigate the complexities of employment law and protect their rights. Whether it involves fair compensation, safe working conditions, or other employment concerns,...

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Does My Employer Have To Reimburse Me For My Work-Related Expenses?

As a worker, you may incur various expenses directly related to your job duties, from travel costs to necessary equipment purchases. Regrettably, some employers may not clearly define or honor policies for reimbursing these essential expenditures. This oversight can leave employees unfairly shouldering costly business expenses. If you believe you have not been properly compensated for legitimate work-related costs, a dedicated attorney can assist in reviewing and addressing your case effectively. Hodges & Foty, LLP, with over 40 years of combined experience and board-certified attorneys, is a trusted advocate for workers across the United States. We specialize in handling disputes concerning...

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What Is a Pharmacist’s Duty of Care? What It Means

A pill container with incorrect medications due to a duty of care breach

Many professionals have care-related duties, including pharmacists. If someone has care duties to follow, this person has a responsibility to protect those under their care. Pharmacists are responsible for providing the correct medications at proper dosages. When professionals don’t follow their duties to care for others, it can lead to serious injuries and even death. But what is the duty of care for pharmacists? What happens if they breach these duties? Hodges & Foty is a law firm with extensive experience representing victims of pharmacy malpractice. In this post, you’ll learn about a pharmacist’s care duties, examples of duty breaches, and what...

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Pharmacy Errors: Patient Harm and Your Legal Rights

medications contributing to pharmacy medication errors

Research from Georgetown University found that over 131 million people in the U.S. take at least one prescription medication. When a pharmacy properly fills and dispenses medication, it plays a vital role in keeping people healthy. Unfortunately, pharmacy errors can lead to serious health issues, injuries, or even death. When a pharmacist or a member of his or her team makes a prescription error, they commit pharmacy malpractice. Regardless of why these mistakes were made, an attorney may be able to help you or your loved one receive compensation for your injuries. Hodges & Foty is a law firm with 50+ years...

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Can You Sue a Doctor for Misdiagnosis?

A person wondering if they can sue a doctor for misdiagnosis

A medical misdiagnosis happens when a doctor gives you incorrect information about your condition. Misdiagnoses often occur when someone seeks medical treatment for illnesses or injuries. Unfortunately for patients, medical misdiagnosis is more common than you might think. According to a 2023 report from Johns Hopkins Medicine, an estimated 795,000 people receive a medical misdiagnosis each year. Can you sue a doctor for a misdiagnosis? Yes, but you’ll need to do a few things before filing a lawsuit. Hodges & Foty is a law firm with over 50 years of combined experience. The founding partners are both Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial...

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Workplace Health and Safety: Employer Obligations and Employee Rights

A green workplace health and safety sign

Injuries change lives at a moment’s notice. Unfortunately, these injuries sometimes happen while you’re at work. In this post, you’ll learn about workplace health and safety rules employers must follow. We’ll also cover your rights if an employer commits employee safety violations. What Does Workplace Health and Safety Mean? Workplace health and safety is the practice of keeping employees healthy and safe while they are at their place of work. Also known as occupational health or occupational safety, these terms all have the same goal: safe workplaces. Safety and health in the workplace focuses on employees’ mental and physical well-being. Having a safe...

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Independent Contractors vs. Employees: Distinctions and Implications

Independent contractors vs employees working on a project

In the past decade, advances in autonomy and technology led to major changes in how and where people work. And we don’t just mean the spike in working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the world and workplace changing fast, it’s easy for any employee to have moments of confusion. No matter where you work, mixing up independent contractors vs. employees is understandable. Adding to your confusion, people working side-by-side are often mixed groups of contractors and employees. Companies sometimes make intentional or unintentional errors when classifying employees. If not corrected, these misclassifications can cost employees both wages and benefits. 1. How...

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Medical Malpractice Claims for Patients

Most likely, you relied on a medical care provider many times. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals treat many medical situations from check-ups to emergency surgeries. In most cases, medical experts do everything possible to care for patients. But what happens when they don’t? If you suspect someone who treated you didn’t do their job properly, suing for medical malpractice might be a smart move. Unfortunately, medical malpractice is more common than you might think. In 2019, people filed over 59,000 medical malpractice lawsuits in the United States. In this post, you’ll learn what medical malpractice is. We’ll also show you step-by-step how...

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