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Medication Error

Hodges & Foty, LLP > Medication Error

What Happens When Your Prescription Is Not Stored Properly

When your prescription is not stored correctly, the consequences can be serious and even life-threatening. Medications must be stored under specific conditions to maintain their effectiveness and safety. Improper storage can occur due to negligence by pharmacies, healthcare providers, or manufacturers, and knowing what to do next is critical to protecting your health and legal rights. At Hodges & Foty, LLP, we are committed to helping individuals who have been harmed by improperly stored prescriptions. With years of experience handling cases involving medical negligence, we work to ensure those responsible for failing to store medications correctly are held accountable. If you...

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What Is the Contributory Negligence Theory, and How Can it Affect Your Medication Error Case?

When dealing with a medication error, the consequences can be severe and long-lasting. In such cases, understanding the contributory negligence theory is critical, as it can affect your ability to recover compensation. Contributory negligence occurs when the injured party is found to have contributed to their own harm, even if the majority of the fault lies with another party. In medication error cases, this could mean that your actions—such as failing to follow prescription instructions—might impact your ability to pursue legal action.  At Hodges & Foty, LLP, we are committed to helping individuals harmed by medication errors navigate these complex legal...

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How Improper Dosing Instructions Can Lead to Legal Action

Improper dosing instructions can have serious consequences, potentially leading to adverse health effects for patients and even legal action against those responsible. When healthcare providers or pharmaceutical companies fail to provide clear and accurate dosing instructions, patients may be at risk of overdosing, underdosing, or experiencing harmful drug interactions. These errors can result in significant harm, prompting victims to seek legal recourse.  Understanding the legal implications of improper dosing instructions is crucial for those who have suffered due to such negligence, as it may open the door to pursuing justice and compensation. If you need assistance navigating legal matters related to...

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Legal Remedies for Elderly Patients Prescribed Incorrect Medications

Even the simplest pharmacy mistake can have profound and life-altering consequences, especially for elderly patients. Receiving the wrong medication or incorrect dosage instructions not only jeopardize patient health but also raises serious questions about accountability within the pharmacy sector. The potential for harm in such situations underscores the importance of understanding legal remedies available to victims of incorrect prescriptions. At Hodges & Foty, LLP, we are skilled in navigating the complexities of prescription errors and advocating for the rights of elderly patients. Our extensive experience in handling medication error cases combined with our Board Certification in Personal Injury Law allows us...

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Everything You Need to Know About Medication Malpractice in Texas Nursing Homes

When making the difficult decision to send a loved one to a nursing home to receive the extensive care they need, you expect to leave your family member in the hands of caring medical staff who will ensure their overall well-being. Unfortunately, this is not always the reality for individuals living in nursing homes. Despite having years of training and schooling under their belts, medical professionals are not perfect and mistakes may occur due to negligence.  If your loved one was injured due to medication malpractice in a Texas nursing home, it is crucial you understand your option to help your...

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Who Is Liable for Medication Errors?

Unfortunately, doctors, pharmacists, and other medical providers make mistakes, and these mistakes can put your health as a patient at serious risk. If your trust has been broken, you can take legal action against those who are liable. At Hodges & Foty, LLP, we are dedicated to advocating for individuals who have suffered due to medication errors.  We offer unparalleled legal representation and a deep understanding of the complexities of medication error cases, making us a formidable ally for those seeking accountability in the healthcare system. If you need assistance with your medication error claim, do not hesitate to contact us...

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