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Overtime & Unpaid Wages

Hodges & Foty, LLP > Overtime & Unpaid Wages

Employment Issues Workers In The Hospitality Industry Often Face

The hospitality industry is a major contributor to the global economy, providing millions of jobs around the world. From hotels and restaurants to event planning and tourism, this industry offers a wide range of employment opportunities. However, behind the glamor and excitement of this field lies a harsh reality: the prevalence of employment difficulties faced by workers. These issues not only affect individual workers but also have a significant impact on the industry as a whole. At Hodges & Foty, LLP, our employment lawyers are fully aware of these concerns. We are committed to aiding those in the hospitality industry by...

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Are Oil & Gas Industry Day Rate Workers Entitled to Overtime Pay?

If you are a day worker in the oil and gas industry, you may be wondering whether or not you are entitled to receive overtime pay when you work more than 40 hours in a work week. The answer to this question came in the form of a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that made it clear that day rate workers are not exempt from overtime rules, even if they are highly compensated by employers. If you are an oil and gas industry day rate worker and have not been paid overtime despite this ruling by the Supreme Court,...

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The Ultimate Guide to Wage Claims

Navigating wage claims can be challenging but is essential for any employee seeking fair compensation. These claims can involve anything from unpaid wages to disputes over overtime. For employees committed to asserting their rights, it is important to thoroughly understand these elements of wage law.  At Hodges & Foty, LLP, our wage claim attorneys are here to provide the precise guidance and robust support you need. If you have concerns regarding your wages or wish to schedule a consultation, please contact us through our contact form or call us directly at (713) 523-0001. Understanding Wage Laws The Texas Payday Law plays a crucial...

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If You Are Paid a Salary, Can You Still Be Entitled to Overtime Pay?

Employees who are paid a salary might still be entitled to overtime pay if they work more than 40 hours per week. However, some companies may attempt to circumvent this requirement by misclassifying roles or by adjusting hours and expectations around overtime. Such practices are not only unfair but also illegal. If you suspect that you have been required to work overtime without proper compensation, a skilled attorney can assess your situation and help assert your rights. Hodges & Foty, LLP brings over 40 years of combined experience and board-certified expertise to the forefront of labor disputes across the nation. With...

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Documents You Need For Your Wage and Hour Claims

Navigating the complexities of wage and hour claims can be daunting, especially if you are unsure where to start or what documents are necessary to support your case. Whether you are dealing with unpaid overtime, minimum wage violations, or other discrepancies in your compensation, having the correct paperwork in hand is crucial for a successful claim. With the proper preparation and knowledge, you can confidently pursue what you are rightfully owed.  At Hodges & Foty, LLP, we bring over 40 years of combined legal experience representing thousands of clients, involved in wage and hour claims. We focus on addressing unpaid overtime...

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Why Is It Important to Be Properly Classified as Exempt or Nonexempt from Overtime?

As an employee, understanding the significance of correct classification as exempt or nonexempt for overtime is essential, yet the subject can be complex. This classification affects various facets of employment, from eligibility for overtime pay to how wages are calculated in different scenarios. For employees who are determined to secure their rightful compensation, grasping these nuances is critical.  At Hodges & Foty, LLP, our attorneys are well-versed in wage and hour regulations and are ready to provide the detailed guidance and support you need. If you have concerns about your classification or any other wage-related issues, please do not hesitate to...

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Are You Owed Overtime? Understanding Your Rights Under Federal Law

Unfortunately, some employers are selfish and interested in holding onto as much money as possible. This sometimes means they break the law by refusing to give employees their deserved overtime pay. At Hodges & Foty, LLP, we proudly represent individuals in employment-related disputes, emphasizing the importance of understanding your rights under federal law, especially regarding overtime pay.  If you suspect you have been unfairly denied overtime pay or need guidance on employment law, our insights can provide a solid foundation for determining your next steps under federal law. If you are owed overtime pay and want to hold your employer accountable,...

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What Are My Legal Options If My Employer Does Not Pay Me Overtime?

Employees are protected by certain laws and regulations that ensure the fair treatment and pay for the work they do. While employees should be able to trust that their employers will properly compensate them, that is not always the case. If you have not been paid for the overtime hours you have worked as a non-exempt employee, it is important you understand the legal options available to you, including filing an unpaid wages claim with the help of one of our trusted lawyers. Hodges & Foty, LLP is a law firm with over 40 years of combined experience representing workers' rights...

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Are Waiters and Waitresses Entitled to Be Paid the Federal Minimum Wage?

If you are working in the service industry, including as a waiter, waitress, or server, you may have questions about your payment rights. Understanding what your employers are required to pay you, the payment you are entitled to, and other rights surrounding your employment can help you protect yourself and the wages you rightfully deserve. However, you do not have to face legal challenges with your pay alone. In the dynamic and complex employment law landscape, Hodges & Foty, LLP is a formidable advocate for employee rights all over the U.S. With over four decades of experience, our firm has adeptly...

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Do You Have the Right to Be Paid for the Time Spent Waiting For Work at the Worksite?

No matter how much you may enjoy your job or have a passion for your career, it is very unlikely you would want to do that work for free. Employees have a right to fair wages and pay on behalf of those who employ them. If you are a worker who spends time waiting or on-call at a worksite, you may be eligible to be paid for that time spent. At Hodges & Foty, LLP, our extensive experience includes offering dedicated legal support to individuals who believe they may have been underpaid or not paid at all for their time spent...

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